Saturday, 17 July 2010


Can the Malays from different political standings unite ? I don't think so .

See, I don't use the overstated word ideologies , simply because I don't believe that all political parties in Malaysia have ideologies . One case in point : there is this political party which professes to be the be all and the end all of the religious practice of a certain group , but in reality it is worst than most.

This talk of unity and co-operation among opposing political parties , vis a vis UMNO and PAS had better cease. As long as this individual from PAS has a say in the discussion , this discourse is not going to happen . This individual is filled with vengeance and hatred towards UMNO , thus his decision is not guided by reasons but emotions. It baffles me as to why leaders in UMNO want to even CONSIDER exchanging views with PAS in the first place !

UMNO is gradually taking back its prodigal sons to its fold. It's president is trotting in the fast lane and the masses are warming up . So why bother dealing with this so-called unity talk with PAS - at least for now ?

UMNO may respond to this discussion agenda once this pathetic PAS individual is no longer among the PAS ruling hierachy.

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