Thursday, 29 May 2008


Today my youngest offspring celebrates her birthday.


You were , and still are, the baby of the family. I still remember your baby round face and your dark curly locks, Being the youngest you almost always got you own way, which prompted your siblings to affectionately refer to you as 'the little boss'.
My cute ' little boss ' is now a beautiful , confident young lady. I thank Allah for your generosity and your caring nature. It pleases me to see you doing the things you love to do with passion and enthusiasm...........including baking cake!

Well Ema, may your cake of life be filled with icings and colours and may Allah always be with you.

Thursday, 22 May 2008


Anybody's birthday coming up anytime soon ? How about having a birthday party at The Lobby, Parliament House, Malaysia!

The sanctity of the august house became a mockery when HINDRAF supporters brought a birthday cake and flowers to parliament. A birthday girl in 'birthday dress' blew six candles, surrounded by opposition MPs. This was a demonstration of sorts staged by HINDRAF supporters. All this at the Parliament lobby!

It was disgraceful. No one, but no one, should use the house for such occassion!

Parliamentarians, past and present, including yours truly who was MP for Parit 1995-1999, have never resorted to such cheap publicity and unacceptable acts, to say the least.

What examples are we setting for our young???

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


The Democrats of the United States of America are nearing their day of reckoning. While votes for the primaries are being cast in Kentucky and Oregon, Americans and the world are waiting anxiously for the tally and the indicators that would point to the potential Democrat nominee.

I have watched with interest the campaign trails, the vote swings and the high dramas that accompanied each candidate. I am indeed impressed with Obama's power of persuasion and excellent oratory skills. I feel that he is someone we can believe in to initiate peaceful co-existence in this world. He seems committed to the cause of democracy.

By the way, do you know that Obama's first name Barack, is interestingly Arabic in origin, ( barakh ). In 'OBAMA from Promise to Power' by David Mendell, Obama was quoted as saying that his name meant '' blessed'' in Arabic, and that his paternal grandfather was a muslim.

God bless you Obama and may you win the presidency!!!

Monday, 19 May 2008


Seems just like yesterday we brought you both home from Gleneagles. You were so cute then and you are even more adorable now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EXIR AND EJAZ !!!

Saturday, 17 May 2008


     The not so enthusiastic twins with their Mama

My two year old twin grandkids had their first taste of organised sports today. It was Sports Day at their Day Care Centre. Initially Elixir and Elijaz had been picked to participate in the 'ten meters flat' but during rehearsal Ejaz did not seem to be in the mood ' to run for nothing'. He 'chose' to be wheeled by Papa instead .At least that was the plan. But what happened at the sports meet was something else !

The scene was quite chaotic. Kids ranging in age from 2 years to around six were assembled at the venue.The bigger ones were quite disiplined, but there was no way to get through to the younger tots. It was a mayhem of sorts! Most of the toddlers were not in the mood, and they surely made known their 'protests' through wailings and wrigglings.The antics that accompanied the din was quite humorous ,by the way.

No stroller race for me!
Mama, don't make me race!

Ejaz decided that he would not participate, wheeled or not, while Exir clung on to Mama for dear life.And there were lots of followers among their contemporaries! I have forgotten how difficult it was to coax young tots to put up a show in unfamiliar surroundings......until now. Most of the tiny tots were wailing and reaching out to their parents. It was difficult enough to put them on the floor, but to ask them to run ? It seemed next to impossible!

After a good one hour or so of waiting for the race to start, the kids seemed more restless. The organizers could do with a more appropriate agenda for the event. The lenghty recitation of the 'ten measures of security' should not be included in the agenda, Most of the kids did not understand what was said , while those who could were not in the mood to listen anyway. Hey, it's Sports Day ! The 'citation' was best suited for some other occassions.

By now it was time for me to leave cos I had to rush to Ipoh to see Makcik who had been warded at a private hospital.The twins stuck to their decision not to race after many efforts to make them change their minds fell on deaf ears.So I left without seeing my grandkids race. Well, better luck to me next time !!!

Elixir (L) and Elijaz (R), in a better mood

Friday, 9 May 2008


When the Mentri Besar of Perak , Dato' Seri Mohd, Nizar, was asked to comment on Mr Karpal Singh's statement regarding the power of the Sultan of Perak in the Dato' Haji Jamry's case, he kept mum as reported by the media. " No, no comment" he was reported as saying!

Words cannot describe the disgust I feel towards this kind of silent response. Why the cowardice to say one's mind -one way or the other? At least be firm in your stance. Show your voters that you have an opinion, especially at a time when one of your Pakatan partners dares issue a most uncalled- for statement, to say the least.

By keeping silent, does the MB therefore agree with Mr Karpal Singh's statement? Normally when the answer is no, especially in serious cases like this, people tend to make known their disapproval. However, as is always the case in Malaysian culture ...'Silence means consent '. I wonder..........!

Sunday, 4 May 2008


I have had enough of this new PR govt drama. Even when the JAIP 's Director episode has hardly left the scene , now the EXCO of the PR govt, Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham, came out with another threat to our civil servants, as reported by the press, Sunday . Give show cause letter or terminate the services of those who do not work in accordance with the PR policy in Perak ?

Really Dato' Seri Nizar, does your EXCO member go around issuing threats as though he is the most powerful administrator in Perak? And do you not realise that your EXCO is acting like he calls the shots in so far as the state administeration is concerned? Wasn't it this EXCO and his party who wanted to boycott the swearing in ceremony of the Mentri Besar of Perak not too long ago?

Who is the "CEO" of Perak anyway? Oops............ I forgot , your party only won six seats in the 12th General Election!