Sunday, 27 December 2009


Malays are the Malays' worst enemies ! I am a Malay and I am sick and tired of the self destruction initiated by Malays against their own.

They are the ones who called for the demise of 'ketuanan Melayu' when in fact the proponents of the concept were just trying to defend the rights of the bumiputra as enshrined in the Federal constitution through Part x11 article 153 .I am not saying that the non Malays do not voice out the opposition to the special rights of the Malays , far from it leader of a component party of Barisan National even ripped the hearts of of bumiputra when it was suggested that the Malays are as immigrant as the next person . But the truth of the matter is , it hurts the most when the Malays themselves forsake the legacy that was inherited. These ingrates just threw the struggles of our forefathers to the wind and danced to the music of their political comarades just so they can pursue their own political agenda!

The dangerous part is, these ingrates are destroying the very foundation this nation is built on. This equality thing is good so long as the special rights of the Malays and the sancity of Islam are protected as guaranteed by the constitution.

The ultimate insult: a senior MALAY political leader denouncing 'ketuanan Melayu'! Please open your minds .... and more importantly, your eyes!